ARC Main Page Contents


Last Update 29 August 2006

Please contact the ARC Secretary if you would like purchasing a book:

Chocholatý, Michal:
Jiné místo, jiná doba: Der letzte Weg (Poslední cesta)

First part of a belletristic trilogy. Ten years old boy Peter discovers his former life which he spent as a gravedigger in Treblinka where he came from the Warsaw Ghetto on 7 August 1942. Peter is taken behind the psychiatric center walls where he met with psychiatrist Lapicky. Peter's fate is more deeper than it is proved to be...
116 Pages, in Czech
Praha: Svoboda Servis, Spring 2005.
Price: 8 Euros

Chocholatý, Michal:
Jiné místo, jiná doba: Das unser Schicksal ist (To náś osud je) / Ein Höllseher (Peklovidec)

Second and third part of a trilogy in one book. The third part shows a five weeks period of Eberl´s reign in Treblinka. We finally learn what stood behind a meeting of Peter from the first part and psychiatrist Lapicky. In his former life Lapicky was Irmfried Eberl, and he met with Peter's former life person - it was a gravedigger in Treblinka... This meeting shows why they met each other after 51 years at another time and at an another place!
640 Pages, in Czech. The book includes 23 pages of photos, corespondence and pictures.
České Budějovice: August 2006.
Price: 17 Euros

Schlesak, Dieter:
Capesius, der Auschwitzapotheker

True story of the pharmacist Capesius who served as SS man in Auschwitz. A complex collage of documentation, flashback, and story.
Eine wahre Geschichte über den Apotheker Capesius, der als SS-Mann in Auschwitz diente. Eine komplexe Collage aus Dokumentation, Rückblende und Erzählung.
350 Pages, in German
Bonn: Dietz Verlag, October 2006.
Price: 28 Euros

ISBN: 3801203697

Langwithz-Smith, Peter:

Standard work, covering the Auschwitz "Stammlager" and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Many photos, maps.
"Denne bog er i helt konkret forstand en beskrivelse af Auschwitz, dvs. en nøgtern og objektiv gennemgang af lejrens historie, opbygning, udvikling og funktion baseret på veldokumenterede fakta. Der er således umiddelbart ikke tale om nogen analyserende eller fortolkende diskussion af selve fænomenet Auschwitz, men snarere om et solidt grundlag for en forståelse af de grusomheder, som foregik i lejren. Et sådant grundlag foreligger nu for første gang på dansk." (
8 pages literary list, 14 pages chronology.
432 Pages, in Danish
Gyldendal: Nordisk Forlag, 2004.
Price: 349 dk (approximately 47 Euros / August 2006)

ISBN: 87-03-00316-7