ARC Main Page Aktion Reinhard Himmler's Last Days

Werner Grothmann

Last Update 18 February 2006

Grothmann #2
Grothmann #2
Grothmann #1
Grothmann #1
Werner Grothmann was born on 23 August 1915 in Frankfurt/Main. He served an apprenticeship as a banker and worked as bank clerk until approximately 1933, when he became member of the SS.
From 1933-1935 he was at the SS-Junkerschule in Braunschweig. On 20 April 1936 promoted SS-Untersturmführer, on 11 September 1938 SS-Obersturmführer, on 9 November 1940 SS-Hauptsturmführer, commanding the SS-Sturmbann 13 of the "SS-Standarte Deutschland", stationed in München. On 17 June 1940 he was wounded in France.

On 15 August 1940 Grothmann was assigned as 2nd adjutant of the Waffen-SS to Himmler's personal staff. On 1 April 1942 assigned as chief adjutant of Himmler. Promoted SS-Sturmbannführer on 1 June 1943.

Grothmann joined Himmler during his last days. He was captured together with him and Heinz Macher on 21 or 22 May 1945.

He talked with John Toland twice in 1971, and said about Himmler that he was a coward to choose the easiest way to avoid the culpability of the SS, and others had been left with the responsibility for the young soldiers and professionals. He stated:
"I said to Himmler that it was his responsibility to inform the Allies that the Waffen-SS and the guards in the KZs were different organizations, and he couldnīt leave the rest of the organization in the easy way that the others can't take (i.e. suicide)."
Grothmann and Macher were not present during Himmlerīs interrogation.

After WW2 Grothmann was tried in 1962. Finally he worked as a businessman in Western Germany. He died in 2003.

Witte Peter, Wildt Michael, Pohl Dieter and others, eds. Der Dienstkalender Heinrich Himmlers 1941/42, Hans Christians Verlag, Hamburg, 1999
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