ARC Main Page Transport Lists Transit Ghettos

Transports from Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Terezin to Izbica

Last Update 10 June 2004

Date Number of Persons Country / City of Departure
11/03/1942 1001 Terezin
13/03/1942 1003 Germany
17/03/1942 1000 Terezin
19/03/1942 800-1000 Germany
25/03/1942 955 Germany (probably Aachen, Koblenz, Kassel)
27/03/1942 1008 Germany (Bamberg, Fürth, Würzburg and 426 from Nürnberg). A part was sent to Krasniczyn.
09/04/1942 998 Austria (Wien)
22/04/1942 942 Germany (Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Krefeld, Mönchengladbach, Oberhausen, Wuppertal)
26/04/1942 628 Germany (Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg region)
27/04/1942 600 Terezin and from selection in Lublin.
28/04/1942 700-800 Germany (Bamberg, Fürth, Nürnberg, Schweinfurt, Würzburg). A part was sent to Krasniczyn.
08/05/1942 784 Germany (Frankfurt/M.) via Lublin, where 154 men were sent to Majdanek.
12/05/1942 1001 Austria (Wien)
15/05/1942 1006 Austria (Wien)
24/05/1942 835 Germany (Frankfurt/M., Wiesbaden) via Lublin, where 122 men were sent to Majdanek.
29/05/1942 1052 Slovakia (Spisska Nova Ves) via Lublin1
30/05/1942 1000 Slovakia (Poprad) via Lublin2
13/06/1942 1003 Germany
05/06/1942 1001 Austria (Wien)
15/06/1942 1066 Germany (Aachen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Essen, Koblenz, Köln, Krefeld, Mönchengladbach)3
15/06/1942 947 Germany (Frankfurt/M., Wiesbaden)4 via Lublin, where 188 men were sent to Majdanek.

1 Y. Büchler: The Deportations of the Slovakian Jews to Lublin District., "Holocaust and Genocide Studies" p. 162.

2 Ibidem.

3 In the literature there are informations that this transport was sent not to Izbica but to Sobibor.
From end of May 1942 most of the transports which came to Lublin district went to Sobibor, after the selection in the Old Airfield Camp where young men were selected and sent to Majdanek for work.
This transport included a big group (about 300 persons) of menthal ill patients from some psychiatric hospital near Aachen.
Among them was Dr. Harry Davidsohn who was the psychiatric. A famous author of the German performances and during the war menthal patient.
For the Germans it made no sense sending them to the transit ghettos. Official destination (according to the Gestapo records) was Izbica.
H. Berschel: Bürokratie und Terror. Das Judenreferat der Gestapo Düsseldorf 1935-1945. Essen 2001, p. 410.
Information from Dr. Peter Johannsen who is writing a book about Dr. Karl Leven who was deported together with his family in this transport.

4 In the literature about the subject the information could be found that this transport was sent (after the selection in Lublin) directly to Sobibor.
M. Kingreen: Gewaltsam verschleppt aus Frankfurt. Die Deportationen der Juden in den Jahren 1941-1945. "Nach der Kristallnacht". Jüdisches Leben und antijüdische Politik in Frankfurt am Main 1938-1945.
M. Kingreen. Frankfurt am Main - New York 1999, p. 374.

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