There were more than 1,000 patients in the Babinski Hospital in Kobierzyn when the war broke out. The Germans
appointed two directors of the hospital -
Zweck (a tradesman) until
October 1940 and then
Aleksander Kroll
(an official from the
Warsaw Health Service) until
September 1942. There were 3 phases of liquidation
of the hospital: starvation, deportation of Jewish patients and finally mass murder.
The Office |
From the time when
Kroll took over the post, patients started to receive half
of their usual food rations. Before the final deportations almost half of the patients died of malnutrition.
9 and 11 September 1941, Germans moved all Jewish patients,
91 people, in two transports, to the
Zofiowka Sanatorium in
Otwock near
Warsaw. This group shared the fate of all
Jews - some were gassed on
19 August 1942 in
others shot at premises of the sanatorium and buried in the garden.
The preparations for the final liquidation started in
May 1942. The
hospital was visited by
SS-Obergruppenführer Wilhelm Krüger
Hitlerjugend chief
Axmann, who pressed for quick liquidation.
needed the hospital for his "Hitler Youth". The place for the burial pit was chosen. On
18 June 1942, Polish doctors,
working at the hospital, received orders to move to the
Drewnica Hospital near
Warsaw. They were banned from entering the hospital departments and ordered to
provide the personal files of all patients.
The Theatre |
23 June, Dr
Werner Beck arrived,
together with SS men under the command of
SS-Sturmbannführer Karl Meyer and
Max Hammer. The rest of the Polish personel were locked in an old theatre
building during the time of the "action". 30 patients, who were temporarily on rehabilitation in a nearby Catholic
convent, were transferred back to the hospital and were the first to be loaded on a truck and delivered to the
Swoszowice railway station. Later,
opened the wards and counted the patients, assisted by the German male nurse
SS men herded the patients to the trucks and transported them to the railway station. In the evening the train
carried 535 patients to
Auschwitz-Birkenau where they were gassed in Bunker I.
The Memorial |
30 patients, unable to walk to the trucks, were killed by lethal injections, probably by
Beck himself, and buried at the local cemetery, together with 25 Jews from
Skawina who had been shot. One patient,
Szames who worked as a maid at
Kroll's house, was later murdered
at the cemetery by an SS man, assisted by
Kroll and
The names (700 KB!) of the murdered are known and engraved on the monument at the
Kobierzyn hospital. There was one survivor,
Wanda Bialonska, who hid herself
behind the closet during the action.
The demand for transportation was found in the files of
Swoszowice railway station
together with the
Ostbahn bill for the transportation of 535 passangers from
Skawina to
Kroll was never tried. His case (112 Js 9-10/69) was dismissed by the
Munich prosecutor's office in
1971 on the
ground of insufficient evidence of crime.
Beck wasn't punished either. As the head of the
Staatliches Institut für Gerichtsmedizin im Geneneralgouvernement - State Institute for
Medical Jurisprudence and Criminology (former Judicial Medicine Dept. of Jagiellonian University) in
Krakow he assisted in the investigation of graves at
Katyn Forest and became the main custodian of all
material evidence taken from the graves of Polish officers to be used against the Soviet regime.
He was evacuated to the West with all of the evidence and was responsible for the destruction of it.
He was questioned by the Americans in
1950 in
Hamburg and became a valuable witness regarding Soviet
crimes. He died in
1988 in
Mateusz Szpytma, (Instytut Pamieci Narodowej, Oddzial w Krakowie):
Zbrodnie na pacjentach w Panstwowym
Zakladzie dla Umyslowo i Nerwowo Chorych w Kobierzynie, Krakow 2002
Zaglada chorych psychicznie w Polsce 1939–1945, Warszawa 1993
Batawia Stanislaw, Zaglada chorych psychicznie.[in:] Biuletyn Glownej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w
Polsce, vol. III, 1947 pp. 93-106
Kielkowski Roman, Zbrodnia niemiecka w Zakladzie Psychiatrycznym w Kobierzynie, Warszawa 1949.
J. Menge, Berufskolleg Bethel
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