Treblinka's Small Victims
Last Update 24 January 2005
Attempting to Personalise Treblinka Children's Statistics
The racist murder of the innocent victims knew
no bounds and if anyone was ever more an innocent victim, then it
was the children who were sent to Treblinka. The official figure of
victims killed at this camp is between 850,000 - 900,000,
which this total, children made up at least one third!
Therefore in Treblinka alone, the amount of
children that were murdered there by the Nazis can arguably be
derived at between, 280,00 to 300,000 (Yes, three-hundred-thousand!).
Most of these children went through a fate
very similar to the two children, Guta and Abus, of survivor
Strawczynski, of whom he describes the following:
Guta and Abus Strawczynski |
"Although utterly exhausted after twenty-four hours in the
tightly packed cattle cars, we shivered with terror when the train
stopped and we heard frightful shouts: "Out, Out..." Whips fly over
our heads... In the eyes of my wife I recognize that finally even
she has begun to believe the horrible rumours about the gas factory
beyond Malkinia. I can see that now she regrets not having agreed
to my plan to hide with the children in our neighbour's hideout. We
run out as fast as we can to avoid the whips lashing overhead, and
find ourselves on a long, narrow platform, crowded to capacity. All
familiar faces-neighbours and acquaintances. A smell of charred
flesh stifles the breath. Unwittingly, I catch a glimpse of the
mountains of clothing, shoes, bedding and all kinds of wares that
can be seen over the fence. The dense mass of people is pushed
toward and jammed through a gate... Down this Alley,
completely naked, they took their last walk-my dear wife and
children, father, mother, brothers and sisters, together with
millions of Jewish men and women... They never came out of the
"bath". [Strawczynski]
This is just a small testimony of the fate
of two children of whom we have a names connected to innocent
Think about the fact that most of these 300,000 had a family,
hopes and dreams for the future...
How many could have been teachers...? How many could have been
How many could have been musicians...?
How many could have been politicians...? How many could have
been doctors...?
How many could have been fathers and mothers...
how many could just have been a good friend!
Let us try and convey the cold statistic of an
amount of 300,000 children
The following are all pictures of children who
were murdered at Treblinka by the Nazis.
Photo credits to: Ghetto Fighters Kibbutz, and Simon Wiesenthal
website from where these photos were obtained.]
Imagine two children like Guta and Abus Strawczynski,
Strawczynski |
Strawczynski |
imagine another one,
Wielkabroda |
and another two like them. . .
Lilka |
Wollmana |
So we have five out of the
300,000 children that were murdered. |
Imagine another five children,
Reiss |
Weissblatt |
Murzan -
Sztroman |
Posinova |
Weissblatt |
This amounts to ten out of
300,000 children that were murdered. |
Imagine another five children?
Goldsobel |
Klingerova |
Wielkabroda |
girl |
boy |
Now we have fifteen of the 300,000
children that were murdered. |
Now add another 15 children:
15 children [A section of a group photo] who
came from the Janusz Korczak Orphanage in the Warsaw Ghetto |
This amounts now to thirty of 300,000
children that were murdered. |
multiply this group of 30 innocent children with 10,000.
This will amount to the statistical sum of 300,000 children
that were murdered at Treblinka... by the Nazis!
No children survived Treblinka as they were immediately sent to
their death, either being shot at the "Lazarett" (the execution pit
disguised as a field hospital) or together with the adults in the
gas chambers. In the gas chambers they went through a particular
horrifying death, as the children were usually the last to die, as
due to the fact that youngsters' blood contain more oxygen.
According to eyewitness accounts, some children survived the
painful ordeal in the gas chambers, but no mercy was shown as the
Nazis shot them in the head.
© ARC 2005