The model measures 1.5 x 1.0 m. It consists of three parts,
each 1.0 x 0.5 m. The scale is 1 : 400.
More information: See Treblinka maps / Glazar map / Peters model.
Model photos:
A bird's eye view of the whole of the camp as seen from the west side.
Click on photo for enlargement.
Up to 20 cattle trucks were shunted by a large engine up to the ramp.
Click on photo for enlargement.
The people who died during the long transports were laid
along the ramp. Later on the corpses were brought to the cremation site.
The handicapped or elderly and infirm were brought through a special door
in the camouflaged fence to the "Lazarett", a fake Red Cross station
decorated with a Red Cross flag. There they were immediately shot and
fell into a pit.
Click on photo for enlargement.
All belongings of a new transport were brought to this yard.
Heaps of clothes, shoes, suitcases (in the foreground), pots etc.
covered the ground. A special command had to take the things to
the sorting barracks at the ramp.
Click on photo for enlargement.
A small killing site within a camouflaged fence, located at the southern border
of the Sorting Square. A hut, a pit and two SS men, enough to kill thousands of victims
by shooting them in the neck.
From the "station square" the new arrivals were brought to the
undressing yard. Women and children to the left barrack for
undressing, men had to undress themselves in the open air. The
suitcases and clothes were brought by a special command to the
sorting yard. On a large sign instructions were given to the victims.
Click on photo for enlargement.
At the second bend of the tube the "Kleine Kasse" (little cash desk) was located.
Here the victims handed out their last belongings, usually money or jewellery.
Behind this wooden hut the bottles were stored.
Click on photo for enlargement.
This brick building had ten gas chambers, five on each side. At the southern end
a room was used for the gassing motor. Through a small door the motor room could
be entered. Behind the building the Sorting Square is visible. The workers could
not see what happened behind the wall.
Click on photo for enlargement.
East of the new gas chambers two or three cremation grids were located.
At first they were used for burning the exhumed corpses of the brim over
mass graves, later for cremating the corpses immediately after emptying
the gas chambers.
The grids were constructed of rails on concrete pillars.
Click on photo for enlargement.
On the left the old gas chambers. In the background two cremation grates,
one loaded with corpses. On the right several pits and an excavator.
Click on photo for enlargement.
This large building consisted of two long barracks, connected by a third
one so that it looked like a U. Here the Jewish work brigade (700 - 1,000 men)
spent the nights. Adjacent to the southern barrack (right) the "Appellplatz"
was located. It was covered with dark grey slag.
Click on photo for enlargement.
On the right the large "Ghetto". On the left the southern SS barrack, besides the
petrol station, where the armoured car is parked.
In the background several workshops and the Ukrainian barracks.
Click on photo for enlargement.
A vegetable garden was installed at the north east corner
of the camp, between the camouflaged fence and the anti-tank
obstacles. Jews were forced to work there, always observed by guards.
© ARC 2005