Glogow Forest |
1942 The Germans had 12,000 Jews in that square. At the entrance stood drunken SS men who took every
one's bundle away. They divided the square in two: The young and the healthy were directed to the right, the
old and the incapacitated to the left. On that day 6,000 were thus selected and brought in trucks to the
Glogow forest where the prepared graves yawned before them. The wretched victims were ordered to undress naked
and stand around the open graves. The machine-guns then mowed them down and they fell on top of one another
into the pits. Many fell in who were wounded but alive, and the corpses covered them. At night the German
fiends brought bulldozers to level the graves and pour sand on them. The peasants of the neighbourhood later
told of groans and cries they could hear for several days as the living vainly attempted to fight their way
to the surface. They all died a horrible death. (...)
Glogow Memorial |
In the afternoon the assembled Jews were commanded to march in the direction of the railroad station. The
train stood waiting in
Przebyszowka, 3 km from
Rzeszow. They marched row on row, with the SS and police
surrounding them and shooting into their ranks all the time. The whole road to the train was strewn with the dead.
By the time the train was reached, 300 were dead and more than 1,000 wounded.
This entire "action" was organized by the district head
Ehaus, the city mayor
Pavlo, and the director of the employment center,
200 who would be sent to a labor-camp in
Biesiadka, a village about 15 km from
Adapted from the
Kolbuszowa Memorial Book
© ARC 2005