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Lublin Headquarters

Last Update 27 June 2006


The preparations for extermination of Jews living in the Generalgouvernement already started months before the Wannsee-Konferenz (20 January 1942).
A special organization, called Aktion Reinhard, was established in Lublin.
Radio messages shed light on the close connection between the Lublin headquarters, led by SS- und Polizeiführer of the Lublin district, Odilo Globocnik, and the SS central office in Berlin. Today the decoded messages are kept in the Public Record Office in Kew, England.

Odilo Globocnik
New Years Card from Globocnik
New Years Card from Globocnik
Globocnik was born in Trieste in 1904. In 1931 he joined the NS party of Austria, and 1934 the SS. In 1936 appointed Gauleiter of Kärnten (Austria), in March 1938 promoted SS-Standartenführer, in May appointed Gauleiter of Wien.
Himmler appointed him SS- und Polizeiführer für den Distrikt Lublin in November 1939.

His connections with Himmler and the SS headquarters in Berlin enabled him to use Lublin as a base for anti-Jewish plans from the beginning of the German occupation. The Lublin district was to be turned into a Jewish reservation (Judenreservat).

Jews from the Reich and its incorporated territories should be resettled there. This was the case until Hans Frank made representations to Göring, and they were stopped. But the Lublin district remained in the Nazi mind, as a place highly suited for the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question".

Through Globocnik's initiative the Lublin district also became a centre of the SS economic enterprises and a base for future SS colonization plans in Eastern Europe. In March 1940, the entire Jewish population of Wieniawa was resettled in the Lublin Ghetto. According to the plans drawn up by Odilo Globocnik, the suburb was designated to be an area for the building of recreational facilities for the SS and the general German population of Lublin. Therefore the SS built a large recreation facility in Wieniawa, including two sports fields. A forced labour camp, called "Sportplatz Camp", (Sports Field camp) was established there.

A branch of the German supply works (DAW) was established in Lublin in December 1940. Over five thousand Jewish prisoners were employed as slave workers in the DAW enterprises at Lipowa Street Camp, Airfield Camp (near Chelmska Street) and in Pulawy.

In March 1941 the Lublin Ghetto was officially established.

On 20/21 July 1941 Himmler visited Globocnik in Lublin and decided to enlarge and extend the SS economic enterprises in Lublin.
A concentration camp was planned for up to 50,000 prisoners. This was the initial reason for the construction of the concentration camp Lublin, better known as Majdanek.
A training camp for the SS Ukrainian volunteers at Trawniki was also part of the Aktion Reinhard structure.
As plans for Aktion Reinhard took shape, the choice of Lublin served as a cover for Jews being transported east. Their disappearance after their extermination in the death camps could be explained by saying they had been sent eastward for forced labour in the vast expenses of the Nazi-occupied areas of the Soviet-Union.

The main tasks imposed on Globocnik and his staff within the framework of Aktion Reinhard were:
- the overall planning of the deportations and extermination activities of the entire operation.
- building the death camps.
- co-ordinating the deportations of Jews from the different districts to the death camps.
- killing the Jews there.
- seizing the assets and valuables of the victims and handing them over to the appropriate Reich authorities.

Chopin Street 27
Chopin Street 27
The Aktion Reinhard headquarters was located in Lublin at Pieradzkiego 17, in the former Stefan Batory college (Lublin 1942 Map). Globocnik's headquarters as SS- und Polizeiführer of the Lublin district was located separately from the Aktion Reinhard headquarters.
See Globocnik's and Sporrenberg's Staff in Lublin!

A special depot was set up in Lublin to deal with the vast amounts of loot now piling up in the death camps. Known officially as the Erfassungslager für beschlagnahmtes Feindvermögen, it was located in a large five-storey building which occupied a complete city block at Chopin Street 27 near the city centre. The Chopin Street Depot came under the administration of the SS-Standortverwaltung Lublin, headed by SS-Sturmbannführer Georg Wippern.

Poem by Johannes R. Becher (in German): Kinderschuhe aus Lublin.


Arad, Yitzak: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka
Tregenza, Michael: Aktion Reinhard

Globocnik's Villa Action Reinhard HQ Gestapo HQ
Globocnik's Villa 2002 Aktion Reinhard HQ 2002 Gestapo HQ 2002

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