responds to Mattogno, Kues, and Graf, about the Holocaust Controversies bloggers
The latest updates:
Read the ARC editorial on Hate Blogs and
ARC removes link to Holocaust History Project
due to connections to Holocaust Hate Bloggers!
ARC removes
(Holocaust Controversies) forgeries from the website
Controversial Hate blog caught posting unauthorized
links to ARC!
ARC list of Revisionist websites and Holocaust Controversy Blogs
Wayback Machine Blocks Archive of fraudulent version of the Genuine ARC Website
Gas Chambers / Sachsenhausen
Correction (Photo Source): 2 October
Belzec / Trawnikis
Additions: 2 October
ARC Main Page
Books Addition: 28 August 06
ARC History and Donations
ARC Photo Album
ARC Videoclips
Belzec Overview
Intro page
Camp History
- Archive Updates
Bing.com blocks access to counterfeit version of the genuine ARC site!
Reunion of Genuine ARC Members in London, March 2009
The John Ulrich Paulsen concentration camps Gates & Mottos pages removed
Genuine ARC copyright & free use
Michael Peters Holocaust Artwork removed due to complaints regarding content and quality
© ARC (http://www.deathcamps.org) 2011
Special thanks to Chris Webb & Carmelo Lisciotto